Flow Pattern in Hydrocyclones

Since the flow enters at the periphery and top of the hydrocyclone and leaves through the top and the bottom of the vessel at its center, there is a three-dimensional fluid motion, called vortex motion, with tangential, axial and radial velocities.The vortex motion produces a low-pressure zone in the center of the device …

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Numerical and experimental study of inlet velocity effects on

This study focuses on purifying low-grade phosphate ore using a hydrocyclone, with experiments conducted to obtain data on inlet velocity, mass flow …

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Influence of particle size and reagent dosage on the performance …

Three products hydrocyclone screen (TPHS) can be considered as the combination of a conventional hydrocyclone and a cylindrical screen. In this device, particles are separated based on size under ...

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Apatite: Its uses as a mineral and gemstone

Apatite is the name of a group of phosphate minerals with similar chemical compositions and physical properties. They are an …

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Effect of vortex finder diameter on the performance of a …

The influence of vortex finder diameter (D o) on the performance of the filtering hydrocyclone was analyzed in this work.Three values of the relationship between the overflow diameter and cylindrical section diameter (D o /D c) was used: 0.19; 0.27 and 0.35.The diameter of the cylindrical section (D c) was 3 × 10 −2 m.The other geometric …

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Study of ceramic ultrafiltration membrane support based …

It was obtained by the apatite washing step following by extraction process. Different techniques were used for the characterization. The chemical composition of mud of the hydrocyclone laundries was determined by spectroscopic techniques, as X-ray fluorescence for metals and by atomic absorption for alkaline earth metals.

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The tremendous potential of deep-sea mud as a source of …

Moreover, using a hydrocyclone separator enabled us to recover selectively biogenic calcium phosphate grains, which have high REY content (up to 22,000 ppm) and constitute the coarser domain in ...

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(PDF) The JK three-product cyclone

The double vortex-finder hydrocyclone formed by a coaxial insertion of an internal vortex-finder with a smaller diameter inside the conventional single vortex-finder used to obtain two kinds of ...

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Hydrocyclones: Analysis and Applications | SpringerLink

Yet as this Volume clearly shows, the hydrocyclone can do so many things and do them well, whether the application is in solid-liquid, liquid-liquid or liquid-gas separation. Similar content being viewed by others. Concept of Equilibrium Flow-Through Methods: Cyclic Injection Analysis and Its Analytical Potential ...

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Urethane VorSpin Hydrocyclones | Compatible …

The VorSpin Hydrocyclone Series: Hydrocyclone applications have a wide appeal to engineers and project managers in many industries because of their designed simplicity with no moving parts.The Fields of Industry …

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"The recovery of all possible useful components from ores corresponds to modern approach to the mineral raw materials processing and provides a reduction in the amount of waste sent to tailings dumps.

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Use of fatty acids with an ethoxylated alcohol for apatite …

The apatite minerals are generally liberated at –315 µm, however, locked binary and ternary particles with forsterite and dolomite were rarely observed in the middle –63 + 36 µm size fractions. ... the sample was wet sieved at 297 µm and deslimed using a Mozley 1-inch hydrocyclone to reject fine particles (<10 µm) in quantities of 20.7 ...

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Apatite | Properties, Occurrence, Uses

Apatite is a mineral that is composed of calcium phosphate, with the chemical formula Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl). It is a member of the apatite group of minerals, which also includes hydroxylapatite and fluorapatite.Apatite is a relatively common mineral that can occur in a variety of colors, including yellow, green, blue, and purple.

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Production of a Phosphate Concentrate from the Tailings …

Apatite recovery to the hydrocyclone underflow is only 16%, but this value could certainly be increased via some optimization work to find an adequate hydrocyclone diameter and configuration ...

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Research on Application of Hydrocyclone Microbubbles …

The experiment shows that the hydrocyclone can generate a large number of small-sized microbubbles, and the microbubbles are stable in the emulsion for more than 30 minutes. In addition, the microbubbles can better float the emulsified oil and concentrate it on the water surface. ... Demuner L. R. et al 2019 Effect of bubble size on the ...

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Horizontal Cycloning

If however, the hydrocyclone is given a sufficient tilt this phenomenon cannot occur. ... Similar to the conditions described for the flotation of Apatite in the Brazilian operation, excessive production of fines jeopardizes the results that can be achieved by flotation. Falling back on the Brazilian experience, the installation of a ...

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Influence of particle size and reagent dosage on the …

Phosphate rocks are primarily composed of the apatite group in association with a wide assortment of accessory minerals, mainly fluorides, carbonates, clays, quartz, silicates, and metal oxides [2]. ... Hydrocyclone is one of the common equipment for solid–solid separation in liquid medium, which is suitable for mineral beneficiation ...

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Recovery of apatite from flotation tailings

The apatite recovery of each flotation test was calculated by Eq. (2). R(%) = MF xap,F × 100 MA xap,A (2) where R is the apatite recovery, MA is the mass (g) fed into the column, MF is the mass (g) of the floated fraction, xap,A is the P2 O5 content of the feed, and xap,F is the P2 O5 content of the concentrate.

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(a) Chemical composition of the tailings from the Flo R-1 …

Hydrocyclone is one of the common equipment for solid-solid separation in liquid medium, which is suitable for mineral beneficiation processing. ... CA adsorbed on apatite and dolomite to varying ...

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The tremendous potential of deep-sea mud as a …

Moreover, using a hydrocyclone separator enabled us to recover selectively biogenic calcium phosphate grains, which have high …

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A Study on Apatite Recovering from the Tailing of the …

Apatite ore plays a critical and irreplaceable role in fertilizer production and is being upgraded in quality in northern Vietnam. The old tailing of the Bac Nhac Son …

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Recovery of Apatite from Slimes of A Brazilian …

hydrocyclone apparatus [Fig. 2 (b)]. The desliming was carried out in two stages, where the underflow from the first stage feed the second stage. The underflow flow of the second stage feed the apatite flotation and the overflow from the both stages were discharge as tailings. The hydrocyclone used was supplied by Minerals. The apex finder ...

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Hydrocyclone‐Separation Technologies for Resource Recovery and …

Hydrocyclone has a history of about 129 years. It has been used in various industries including mineral, chemical, coal, petroleum, papermaking, environmental protection, soil remediation, waste management, agriculture, aquaculture, food, biotechnology, nanotechnology, material science technology, and thermal energy due to …

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Recovery of apatite from flotation tailings

The apatite recovery of each flotation test was calculated by Eq. (2). (2) R (%) = M F x ap, F M A x ap,A × 100 where R is the apatite recovery, M A is the mass (g) fed into the column, M F is the mass (g) of the floated fraction, x ap,A is the P 2 O 5 content of the feed, and x ap,F is the P 2 O 5 content of the concentrate.

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A Comparative Study of Different Columns Sizes for Ultrafine Apatite …

From the storage tank, the pulp was pumped to the hydrocyclone apparatus. Desliming was carried out in two stages, where the underflow from the first stage fed the second stage. The underflow of the second stage fed the apatite flotation and the overflow from both stages was discharged as tailings. The hydrocyclone used was …

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A hydrocyclone (often referred to by the shortened form cyclone) is a device to classify, separate or sort particles in a liquid suspension based on the ratio of their centripetal force to fluid resistance. Technically, 4 to 6 inch cyclone are crucial part of desilter and 8 to 12 inch cyclones are parts of desander in solids control system.

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Hydrocyclone applied in the physical processing of …

The mini-hydrocyclone used in the experiments consists of a new modular device with a 30 mm characteristic diameter. The modules were made of machined polyacetal and its manipulation allows for variations in hydrocyclone geometrical proportions: cone angle (θ), length of the cylindrical region (L C) and underflow orifice …

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Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals of Hydrocyclones and Its …

The physical design, the empirical, phenomenological and numerical hydrocyclone models are presented. The two last chapters deal with the applications of hydrocyclones system design and instrumentation study cases of application in hydrocyclones to the mining industry. Severalparts of this book are the result of the work of their research and ...

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(PDF) The JK three-product cyclone

That activity is evidenced by the development of a bright, white CL rim in the apatite, and by the presence of late veins of carbonates and sulfides that fill fractures and appear to contribute...

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Separation of yeast from alcoholic fermentation in small …

Thus, the hydrocyclone is an interesting alternative because it uses the same principle of centrifugal separation, requires low maintenance and can be readily sterilized. This work aimed to study the separation process of yeast from fermentation using hydrocyclones. ... Effect of ionic species on the performance of apatite flotation. …

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Effect of ionic species on the performance of apatite flotation

This designed hydrocyclone could purify low-grade phosphate ore at lower expenditure and higher performance, with separation efficiency increased from 76% to …

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Stainless Steel VorSpin Hydrocyclones

The VorSpin Hydrocyclone Series: Hydrocyclone applications have a wide appeal to engineers and project managers in many industries because of their designed simplicity with no moving parts.The Fields of Industry applications are shown below: Food and Beverage; Chemical; Pharma; Refineries; Petrochemical; Breweries; Distilleries; Some …

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Selective adsorption of sodium polyacrylate on calcite …

Apatite is mainly formed in magmatic rocks and sedimentary rocks, and apatite with good colors and crystal can also be used as gemstones and decorative materials [4], [5]. ... This designed hydrocyclone could purify low-grade phosphate ore at lower expenditure and higher performance, with separation efficiency increased from …

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Understanding the depression mechanism of sodium citrate on apatite

Hydrocyclone is one of the common equipment for solid–solid separation in liquid medium, which is suitable for mineral beneficiation processing. ... CA adsorbed on apatite and dolomite to varying degrees via FTIR test and Zeta potential measurement. The results from XPS test showed that CA formed chemisorption on apatite surface to form ...

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Hydrocyclone‐Separation Technologies for Resource …

Then this chapter comprehensively reviews the hydrocyclone-separation technologies developed by geometric parameters, operating parameters, and operating …

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A 3D-printed mini-hydrocyclone for high throughput particle …

Final microalgal biomass concentration was increased by 7.13 times in 11 minutes of operation time using our designed hydrocyclone (HC-1). We expect that this elegant approach can surmount the shortcomings of other microfluidic technologies such as clogging, low-throughput, cost and difficulty in operation.

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A Study on Apatite Recovering from the Tailing of the Bac

Mineralogical analyses show that in hydrocyclone underflow, apatite exists in the form as interlocked with silicate minerals as well as coarse particles. At the same …

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Mean Particle size in flotation products.

Hydrocyclone is one of the common equipment for solid-solid separation in liquid medium, which is suitable for mineral beneficiation processing. ... CA adsorbed on apatite and dolomite to varying ...

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Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from the Phosphate …

By product extraction of rare earth elements (r.e.e.'s) from apatite is done most completely by the nitric acid processing scheme, which calls for decomposition of apatite with nitric acid, with a ...

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Effect of sodium pyrophosphate on the flotation separation …

Regarding apatite, the adsorption of NaOL was hindered by the decrease of active calcium sites and negative surface charge. The differences in polyphosphate concentration and pH should be responsible for the divergent existing theories of the interaction of polyphosphate and calcium minerals. ... This designed hydrocyclone …

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