The Phase Transition and Element Distribution of Copper Smelting Slag

Sulfidation treatment of copper smelting slag. In the sulfidation experiment, the particle size of the synthesized slag was controlled below 80 mesh (178 µm).The mixture of CaSO 4 and anthracite was pelletized at a pressure of 1.0 MPa in a Ø 4 mm pressing tool, and the weight of every pellet was roughly controlled to be 0.04 g. …

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Experimental Study on Oxidative Desulfurization of Molten Copper Slag …

The results mdicate that the rate of copper slags smelting oxidation desulfurization depends on the matte mass transfer rate through the slag phase After the oxidation treatment, sulfur of copper ...

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Study on Smelting Reduction Ironmaking of Copper Slag

According to the mechanism of smelting reduction,the process of smelting reduction ironmaking from copper slag was studied.The effects of slag basicity,holding temperature,holding time and CaF2 addition (mass ratio of CaF2 to CaO) on the iron yield and sulfur,phosphorus removal efficiency from the molten iron were examined.XRD …

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Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper smelting slag

DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.133095 Corpus ID: 250655743; Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper smelting slag: A review @article{Zhou2022ExtractionAS, title={Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper smelting slag: A review}, author={Wen-tao Zhou and Xiao Liu and Xian-jun Lyu and Wen Xia Gao and Huili Su …

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A novel strategy for harmlessness and reduction of copper smelting

Copper smelting slags are difficult to achieve harmlessness and reduction because of the presence of abundant of fayalite (Fe 2 SiO 4).This work proposed a novel strategy for harmlessness and reduction of copper smelting slags by alkali disaggregation of Fe 2 SiO 4 coupling with acid leaching. The disaggregation changed …

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Thermodynamics Evaluation and Verification of High-Sulfur Copper Slag …

The copper slag oxidation roasting is a gas–solid reaction; the sulfur was adsorbed and consolidated by the CaO coating layer when sulfur oxide gas volatilized. ... Chen L., Ma F. Recovery status of copper recovery by flotation from copper smelting slag. Compr. Util. Miner. Resour. 2017; 1:16–20. [Google ... Chen Q.-Z., Zhu R., Wu J. …

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The Process and Application of Oxygen-Enriched Air …

Desulfurization rate of oxidation furnace reached 99.5%. The ... smelting process. Since 1976, this process has been widely used for copper and nickel smelting in the former Soviet Union. China has conducted the improvement ... reacts strongly with oxygen to form lead alloy and slag. The heat required in the smelting process comes from the ...

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Experimental Study on Oxidative Desulfurization and

In the experiment of desulfurization, the copper slag (150.0 g) was placed in the weighed alumina crucible (φ40 mm × 90 mm). ... the sulfur in slag was oxidized as SO 2 and the oxidation of slag ... George-Kennedy DP, Hayes PC, Jak E (2010) Investigation of liquidus temperatures and phase equilibria of copper smelting slags in …

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Desulfurization of Copper-Iron Reduced from Copper Slag

With the development of copper smelting process, strong oxidation process is put into practice. Copper matte grade is higher, and copper element in smelting slag is also higher [].At present, the most common use of copper slag is that copper slag is diluted to obtain copper matte and tailings.

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Desulfurization of Cu–Fe Alloy Obtained from Copper Slag …

2.1. Materials. The Cu–Fe alloy and slag used in this experiment were obtained via the reduction of copper slag, and their chemical compositions are shown in Table 1.The SEM micrograph and EDS results of the Cu–Fe alloy used in the experiment are shown in Figure 1 [21,22].From the electron microscope, it can be seen that the …

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Lead Flash Smelting Process

The smelting process is divided into two steps: (1) rapid oxidation desulfurization of materials in the reaction tower by use of industrial pure oxygen (2PbS + 3O 2 2PbO + 2SO 2, finished in 3–5 s, with a desulfurization rate of more than 98%); (2) rapid and efficient reduction of desulfurized molten materials in the bath by use of the hot ...

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Experimental Study on Oxidative Desulfurization of Molten …

We study the oxidative desulfurization of copper slag at temperatures ranging from 1250 °C to 1450 °C using experimental copper slag as raw material. This …

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Study on the role of copper converter slag in simultaneously …

To achieve "waste controlled by waste", a novel wet process using KMnO 4 /copper converter slag slurry for simultaneously removing SO 2 and NO x from acid-making tail gas was proposed. Through the solid-liquid separation for copper slag slurry, the liquid-phase part has a critical influence on removing NO x and SO 2.Also, the …

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Recovery of Copper from Copper Smelting Slag Using a …

A new process is proposed for recovering copper from smelting slag using waste cooking oil as a green reductant. More than 70% of waste cooking oil pyrolysis products is hydrogen. In this study, a 70% H2-30% N2 gas mixture was used to simulate pyrolysis products for copper slag reduction experiments. The equilibrium composition, oxygen …

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Removal of Sulfur from Copper Smelting Slag by CO2

In the process of extracting iron from copper slag, the iron obtained by reduction is difficult to use because of the high content of copper and sulfur. In this paper, the thermodynamics of CO2 desulphurization of slag is simulated using FactSage 7.1. In tube furnace, the desulfurization of copper slag was investigated by changing the temperature and flow …

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smelting oxidation desulfurization of copper slags

Smelting Oxidation Desulfurization of Copper Slags. LI Lei, H U J i a n - h a n g, W A N G Hua (Engineer ing Research Center of Metallurgical Energy Conservation and Emiss ion Reduction of Ministry of. Educat ion, Faculty of Metallurgical and Energy Engineer ing, Kunming Univers i ty of Science and T e c h n o l o g y,

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Available,, online at • •; …

by smelting reduction with copper slag has been successively solved. Key words: copper slag; smelting oxidation desulfurization; additive; gas-liquid reaction Copper slags are silicates melted by smelting copper burden and fuels, which contain the main sim­ ple oxides of Si0 2, FeO, CaO, Alz 0 3 and Mg0:1J, etc. FeO of 51.

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Behavior of Copper and Sulfur During High-Temperature

The article presents the results of experimental sulfidization of smelt and converter slags of copper smelting production using granular elemental sulfur at a temperature of 1300 °C in an inert atmosphere without hydrocarbon or metal reducing agents. The distribution of sulfur over products and the behavior of copper are …

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Review on desulfurization in electroslag remelting

Electroslag remelting (ESR) gives a combination of liquid metal refining and solidification structure control. One of the typical aspects of liquid metal refining during ESR for the advanced steel and alloy production is desulfurization. It involves two patterns, i.e., slag-metal reaction and gas-slag reaction (gasifying desulfurization). In this paper, the …

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1,2 1,3, 1,2

Li et al. [30] studied the process the smelting oxidation-reduction process of copper slags with air blowing. And results show that the sulfur content can be reduced …

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Removing sulfur dioxide from smelting flue and increasing …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Removing sulfur dioxide from smelting flue and increasing resource utilization of copper tailing through the liquid catalytic oxidation" by Lei Tao et al. ... The results can provide a reliable reference and basis for industrial application for flue gas desulfurization with copper tailings and a proposed ...

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Smelting chlorination method applied to removal of copper from copper slags

In order to reasonably utilize the iron resources of copper slags, the smelting chlorination process was used to remove copper from copper slags. Higher holding temperature and O2 flow rate are beneficial to increasing copper removal rate. However, the Cu2O mode is formed by the reaction of surplus O2 and CuCl with O2 flow …

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Experimental Study on Oxidative Desulfurization of Molten Copper Slag …

We study the oxidative desulfurization of copper slag at temperatures ranging from 1250 °C to 1450 °C using experimental copper slag as raw material. This is significantly different from the oxidative desulfurization process of low sulfur slag (wS < 0.2 pct) at temperatures > 1500 °C compared with the literature. Based on …

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Iron and copper recovery from copper slags through …

To recover metal from copper slags, a new process involving two steps of oxidative desulfurization followed by smelting reduction was proposed in which one …

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Study on the role of copper converter slag in simultaneously …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Study on the role of copper converter slag in simultaneously removing SO2 and NOx using KMnO4/copper converter slag slurry." ... This study provides a promising, feasible, and low-cost desulfurization technology by reusing blast furnace dust by investigating the effects of reaction …

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Smelting Oxidation Desulfurization of Copper Slags

Cite this article: LI Lei,HU Jian-Kang. Smelting Oxidation Desulfurization of Copper Slags[J]. Chinese Journal of Iron and Steel, 2012, 19(12): 14-20.

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Microscale Simulation of Settler Processes in Copper …

The highest oxidation-desulfurization rate was With the participation of cuprous oxide dissolved in the observed at 900 8C, while at 1000 8C, the formation of an slag, the possible interaction reactions between matte and oxidation crust markedly decreased the reaction rate. It slag may be turned out to be extremely difficult to prepare chalcopyrite

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Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper smelting slag

Copper is an important metal widely used in electrical, light industry, machinery, construction, national defense and other fields because of its excellent ductility, conductivity and thermal conductivity (Gbor et al., 2000; Guo et al., 2018b; Potysz et al., 2015).Iron ore is the supporting resource of China's iron and steel industry, which is a …

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Separation and stabilization of arsenic in copper smelting …

DOI: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2021.127797 Corpus ID: 236238411; Separation and stabilization of arsenic in copper smelting wastewater by zinc slag @article{Xiaoxu2021SeparationAS, title={Separation and stabilization of arsenic in copper smelting wastewater by zinc slag}, author={Duan Xiaoxu and Xuezhu Li and Li Yongkui …

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Smelting Oxidation Desulfurization of Copper Slags

Key takeaway: 'Smelting oxidation desulfurization of copper slags effectively reduces sulfur content in molten iron, enabling lower sulfur content in smelting reduction with …

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Smelting Oxidation Desulfurization of Copper Slags

According to the mechanism of sulfur removal easily through oxidation, the process of smelting oxidation desulfurization of copper slags is studied, which …

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Smelting Oxidation Desulfurization of Copper Slags

According to the mechanism of sulfur removal easily through oxidation, the process of smelting oxidation desulfurization of copper slags is studied, which supplies a new thinking for obtaining the molten iron of lower sulfur content by smelting reduction of copper slags. Special attention is given to the effects of the holding temperature, the …

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Electro-desulfurization of metal sulfides in molten salts

Recently, Guo et al. studied the electro-desulfurization behavior of the mixture of copper sulfide and antimony sulfide in NaCl-KCl molten salt at 730℃ [33]. The melting point of Sb 2 S 3 and Cu 2 S mixture with eutectic components is 541℃, which is far lower than that of Cu 2 S (melting point, 1127℃) [65] .

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