SHIMGE WQ7-15-1.1 Submersible Dirty Water Pump
Shimge WQ7-15-1.1 is a submersible sewage pump with double channel impeller. The stainless steel shaft extension, double sides mechanical sealing.
قرأ أكثر
Shimge WQ7-15-1.1 is a submersible sewage pump with double channel impeller. The stainless steel shaft extension, double sides mechanical sealing.
قرأ أكثرShimge WQ15-9-1.1 is a submersible sewage pump with double channel impeller. The stainless steel shaft extension, double sides mechanical sealing. ... WQ(D) series pumps are widely applied in industry, agriculture, mining, construction, municipal, environmental protection, etc. ... Cordless Angle Grinder, Brushless Motor, 7″(180mm), 40V ...
قرأ أكثرLEO is a listed company in China (stock code 002131), LEO is a leading submersible sewage pump manufacturer only offers high quality pumps. LEO has made millions of water and sewage pumps now used in more than 140 countries.
قرأ أكثرMain Parts / Spares . Pump body. Impeller . Shaft . Pump casing . Bearing . Motor. Sealing ring . Contact us . If you have any requirement on Kaiquan pumps or spares, please feel free to contact us via gina_duan@tkhzh or we-chat/ whatsapp ID +86 158 2976 5636. Thanks!
قرأ أكثرSUBMERSIBLE PUMPS WITH GRINDER. Pumps with grinder are used for pumping sewage and grinding deposits. Designed also for all kinds of drainages. TYPE MAX. RAISING (PRESSURE) [m] ... WQ 15-7-1.1 : WQ 15-9-1.1 : SWQ: FURIATKA 550 FURIATKA 750 FURIATKA 1100 FURIATKA 1500. FURIA 2200. CTR 550. V550 : V370
قرأ أكثرWQ(D)AS-CB submersible pumps for dirty water are widely applied in industry, agriculture, mining, construction, municipal, environmental protection, etc. They are suitable for draining water containing particles such as short fibers, paper scraps, etc. and soft solid, such as muddy water, dirty water, domestic
قرأ أكثرKey PointsContents1 Key Points1.1 Function of Grinder Pumps1.2 Differentiation between Grinder Pumps and Standard Sewage Pumps1.3 Construction Features2 How Septic Grinder Pumps Work2.1 The Grinding and Moving Waste Process2.2 Choosing the Right Spot2.3 Fitting It Together With Your Septic System3 …
قرأ أكثرSewage Submersible Pump can be widely used in transfer waste water, rainwater and living water etc. which contains solid grains and various long fibers. Technical Performance of WQ Sewage Submersible …
قرأ أكثر50WQ15-15-1.5 Marine Submersible Sewage Pump for sale, We supply Sewage Pump with various sizes, reliable supplier in China. Jinbo MarineAn ISO 9001-2015 Company ... WQ (D) cutting submersible pump. WQ Series Marine Submersible pump. 50WQ15-15-1.5 Marine Submersible Sewage Pump.
قرأ أكثر3. PRODUCTS – GRINDER UNITS BASE BID 3.1. PUMP ASSEMBLY 3.1.1. Pump Model / General Construction Pump shall be a centrifugal sealed grinder type, model MG200-21, as manufactured by Pentair Ltd. The pump castings shall be high quality gray cast iron, ASTM A-48, Class 30. All external-mating parts shall be machined and
قرأ أكثرIt has a unique effect in discharging solid particles and long fiber waste.WQ submersible pump made of cast iron or stainless steel (SS304 SS316 SS316L).impeller is non-clogging impeller. WQ Submersible Sewage Pump Product introduction. WQ sewage pump is a pump product developed by absorbing domestic and foreign water pump manufacturing …
قرأ أكثرThe WQ 15-7-1.1 submersible pump is a pump intended for sewage, sludge, dirty water with the presence of organic and impurities with a chewing function that cuts …
قرأ أكثرWQ Non-clog Electric Submersible Sewage Pump (WQ10-10-0.75), Find Details and Price about Sewage Pump Sewage Submersible Pump from WQ Non-clog Electric Submersible Sewage Pump (WQ10-10-0.75) - ZheJiang Kaili Pumps Co., Ltd.
قرأ أكثرSubmersible Sewage Pump 1.5 Application Wastewater drainage in factories, construction sites and commercial ... I OOWQ IOO- 15-7.5(4P) 150WQ 150-10-7.5(4P) I 100—25— 11 150WQ 130-15- I I (4P) ... WQ(D) 0.75 - 7.5 kW Max head 25 20 26 20 32 23 26 25 28 28 38 28 43 38 32 38 43 25 Speed r.p.m 3000 3000 3000 1500
قرأ أكثرKalové čerpadlo WQ 15-7-1,1 Řezačka SZ 230V Premium další fotografie Ponorná kalová čerpadla WQ s řezačkou jsou určena pro čerpání silně znečištěných vod, kalů a splašků.
قرأ أكثرLiatinové ponorné čerpadlo CRANE WQ 15-7-1.1 QG s viackanálovým otvoreným obežným kolesom s mlecím zariadením na saní. Konštrukcia čerpadla: systém brúsky, pozostávajúci z kotúčového ložiska s koncentrickými otvormi s ostrou hranou a trojuholníkové frézy z vysoko chrómovanej ocele; maximálna teplota kvapaliny: 40℃
قرأ أكثرAutomatic Mixture Sewage Pump 50WQ-JY-15-10-1200-1.5 ... automatic mixing sewage pump overview: WQ series automatic mixing sewage pump's motor is connected to three-phrase 380V-50Hz power source. They are used in waste water treatment system in cities, buildings, factories, mines, hospitals and so on. ... 7. To Pump sewage for methane tank …
قرأ أكثرMaximum liquid temperature +40℃ pH level from 4-10 ; Maximum liquid density 1.2×103 kg/m 3; Power frequency is 50Hz. Nominal voltage 380VAC or 415VAC for three phase with the range from -10% to 10%.
قرأ أكثرLEO es una compañía cotizada en China (código 002131), es un fabricante líder de bombas para aguas residuales, que sólo fabrica bombas de alta calidad: Leo ha hecho millones de bombas que son utilizadas en más de 140 países y ofrece bombas de agua comerciales, sumergibles, centrífugas, bombas auxiliares con soluciones …
قرأ أكثرWQ non-clogging sewage pump Product overview. WQ series non-clogging submersible sewage pump is developed by our engineers on the basis of the introduction of foreign advanced technology and the suggestions from pump specialists in China. ... WQ(O)100-80-15-7.5: 80: 15: 7.5: 0: WQ(O)80-65-25-7.5: 65: 25: 7.5: 0: WQ(O)65-30-40-7.5: 30: …
قرأ أكثرLeo WQ Submersible Sewage Pumps Series 400V; Leo 50WQ Submersible Sewage Pumps Series 400V; Leo WQ Series Performance Curves Technical Data. 1 | Download. Leo WQ Series Technical Data Materials Table. 1 | Download. Leo 50WQ 2 Pole Submersible Sewage Pumps Series 400V (2) Products; Leo;
قرأ أكثر50WQ15-15-1.5 Submersible Sewage Pump Technical parameter: 50: Diameter of outlet 15: Flow rate 15m3/h 15: Head 15m 1.5: Motor power 1.5kw Material Cast iron, stocks available ... China Valve & Pump Products supplier,supply cast steel, cast iron, bronze valves from DN10 to DN1200.High quality and Fast Delivery; ABS, LR, BV, DNV, GL, …
قرأ أكثرWQ sewage submersible pump is non-clogging sewage pump developed on the basis of the introduction of foreign advanced technology, now is the most advanced internal sewage systems. ... 100 WQ 100-15-7.5. 100 - discharge diameter (mm) WQ- submersible sewage pump. 100 - Rated flow (m3 / h) 15 - Rated head (m) 7.5 - Motor …
قرأ أكثر52 rowsWQ is a series of cast iron submersible sewage pumps for wastewater drainage in various applications. The model 150WQ150-40-37 has a power of 1.5 KW, a max. flow of 35 m³/h and a max. head of 29 m.
قرأ أكثرProfesionálne liatinové kalové čerpadlo IBO WQ 15-7-1,1 s plavákom a s rezacím nožom pre znečistenú vodu s výskytom vláknin pre priemyselný a domový odpad so zvyškami textilných zmesí. Konštrukcia čerpadla: čerpadlo je vybavené veľmi účinným „skrutkovým" drviacim systémom, ktorý obmedzuje riziko zablokovania na ...
قرأ أكثرWastewater drainage in factories, construction sites and commercial facilities. Drainage system in municipal sewage treatment plants.Drainage station in residentail quarters. Municipal projects. Methane pools and field irrigation in countryside.
قرأ أكثرPhoenix Pumps offers the HOMA GRP Series submersible grinder pumps. search. Products » Pumps » Mixers ... and municipal wastewater, as well as high-head applications, and are available from 1 hp to 15 hp with optional FM approved explosion proof variants for operation in hazardous locations. ... 1-1/4", 2" Flow Rates to: 225 …
قرأ أكثرThe Pedrollo Tritus Grinder pump is an exceptionally robust, heavy duty pump specially designed for shredding of solids and fibres found in wastewater and sewage allowing them to pass through small diameter pipes without blockage in …
قرأ أكثرThe MASTER submersible grinder pump is suitable for high head applications for the lifting of dirty liquids with suspended solid or fibrous materials. Skip to content. Shop the new Dolphin Liberty 300 Cordless Pool Robot - £1320 - available now; Log in | Register; Track order; Search for: 01284 658770; 0.
قرأ أكثر24-7/32" [615 mm] 21-3/32" [536 mm] 4-9/16" [116 mm] 5-3/8" [137 mm] Tested to Standard UL778 and Certified to CSA Standard C22.2 No. 108 4-1/16 [103 mm] 4-1/16 6-15/32 8-1/8 [206 mm] 11-21/32 [103 mm] [164 mm] [296 mm] 1-1/4" - 11-1/2 N.P.T. SK1323 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET MODEL 840 & 841 DUAL SEAL GRINDER PUMPS Pump …
قرأ أكثرSubmersible pump with cutting system WQ 15-7-1.1 (230V) OMNIGENA - The WQ 15-7-1. Delivery worldwide! English . English Lietuvių WishList; Compare Categories. Pond …
قرأ أكثرSubmersible pump with cutting system WQ 15-7-1.1 (400V) OMNIGENA - The WQ 15-7-1.Submersible pump with cutting system WQ 15-7-1.1 (400V) OMNIGENA - The WQ 15 …
قرأ أكثر® high head 7 1/2, 10 and 15 HP submersible centrifugal grinder pumps are designed for municipal, commercial or industrial applications. These pumps are especially suited for use in pressure sewer applications or in systems with long discharge runs or high static heads. The pumps feature a heavy-duty cutter
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