Beginner's Guide to Coal Mining | An Underground Miner

Learn about the history, methods, tools, and risks of coal mining, a vital energy source for heating, power, and industrial needs. Explore the different types of …

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Videos – Underground Miners

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How do we mine coal? (Underground processes)

Find out how coal is mined underground. This short video describes a form of underground mining called long wall mining, which is used to extract coal when it is …

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A Beginner's Guide to Underground Mining | An …

Learn the basics of underground mining, including the difference between hard-rock and soft-rock mining, and the techniques and equipment used for each type. Explore the room and pillar, cut and fill, …

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Inside a WV Coal Mine (video)

The seams of coal in some of Eddie Asbury's mines in McDowell County are so thin workers can barely squeeze down them. They enter on carts nearly flat on their backs, the roof of the mine...

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Coal mining

Coal mining - Underground mining: In underground coal mining, the working environment is completely enclosed by the geologic medium, which consists of the coal seam and the overlying and underlying strata. …

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Coal mining

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MSHA Training Videos

Coal Dust Explosions Learn what causes explosions and fires, and how to prevent them using available tools and technology. Preventing Powered Haulage Accidents at Surface Mines

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[VIDEO] How-To: Conduct Underground Drilling and Blasting

The Australian Centre for Geomechanics (ACG) has developed a training and safety guide for miners to properly conduct drilling and blasting operations underground. The video displays the process of underground drilling and blasting from beginning to end.

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Frank Kolarik, a foreman at an underground coal mine discusses the basic practices that are part of an underground foreman's pre-shift exam duties. Reflections Discusses the …

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Coal mining

Learn about the different techniques and machines used to extract coal from the ground, such as surface mining, underground mining, auger mining, and highwall mining. Find out how technological, economic, and …

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