All About Coarse Aggregate: Types & Properties

Coarse aggregate plays a vital role in concrete construction. Explore its properties, types, and applications. ... The total surface area of aggregate particles per unit weight of the material is called the specific surface. This is an indirect measure of aggregate grading. ... These will reduce the amount of water needed for a concrete mix ...

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How Coarse Aggregate Affects Mix Design of Concrete?

3. Shape of Coarse Aggregate. Coarse aggregates may be round, angular, or irregular shape. Rounded aggregates have lowest water demand due to lower surface area, and also have lowest mortar paste requirement. These properties make rounded aggregate to yield the most economical mixes for concrete grades up to M35.

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Concrete Mix Design | Different Grades of …

Learn how to calculate the quantity of cement, sand and aggregate for 1m3 of concrete for different grades, such as M20, M25, M30 and more. Find the concrete mix ratio, characteristic compressive …

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How to Calculate Quantities of Cement, Sand and Aggregate for

Incase you want to convert the requirement of Sand and Aggregate in Cum; 1 Cum = 35.31 Cft Eyeopener:Many popular blogs claim M20 nominal mix as 1:1.5:3,however we strongly differ by same.Through this blog,we are also trying to address the same myth which is being carried forward since last 4 decades.. The reason being: With constant research and …

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How to Calculate Cement, Sand and Aggregate required for 1

Cement = 1440 kg/cum ; Fine Aggregate = 1600 kg/cum ; Coarse Aggregate = 1450 kg/cum ; Water = 1000 kg/cum. The dry loose density varies for. Considering a concrete mix proportion (by volume) of 1:2:4. i.e., Cement: Fine aggregate (Sand) : Coarse Aggregate is in the ratio of 1:2:4 by volume. Cement required = 01 bag = 50 kg ~ 36 liters or 0.036 …

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Quantities of Materials Per Cubic Meter of …

F.A.= Fine Aggregates, C.A.= Coarse Aggregates 2. The table is based on assumption that the voids in sand and crushed stone are 40 and 45 percent respectively. 3. Air content of 1 percent has been assumed. 4. …

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Depending on the kind of building, a concrete structure may consist of beams, slabs, columns, and foundations, among other things. By adding up the volumes of all the structural components or individual portions of members, one may determine the volume of concrete needed for a concrete construction.

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Calculation of Cement, Sand and Aggregate for M …

Learn how to calculate the quantities of cement, sand and aggregate required for 1㎥ of M-15 grade concrete (1:2:4) as per …

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How to Calculate Cement, Sand and Coarse …

Learn how to calculate concrete volume and its ingredients for different shapes and mix ratios. Use the concrete ingredients calculator to estimate the quantity of cement, sand, coarse aggregate and water for your …

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Fineness Modulus of Coarse Aggregates and its Calculation …

Therefore, fineness modulus of coarse aggregates = sum (cumulative % retained) / 100 = (717/100) = 7.17 Fineness modulus of 7.17 means, the average size of particle of given coarse aggregate sample is in between 7 th and 8 th sieves, that is between 10mm to 20mm. Limits of Fineness Modulus Fineness modulus of coarse aggregate varies from …

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How to calculate the Quantities of Materials for Concrete

Weight of cement per m³ = Density of cement = 1440 kg. Therefore, the weight of cement required for 1m³ of M20 grade concrete = 0.28 x 1440 = 403.2 kg ... Quantity of Coarse Aggregate. Aggregate is a coarse material that provides strength and durability to the concrete mix. To calculate the quantity of aggregate required for 1m³ of M20 grade ...

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Concrete Mix Design: Illustrative Example M30 Grade …

It is always suggested to go the maximum nominal size of aggregate to save on quantity of cement per unit of concrete. Cement Grade : ... Proportion of Volume of Coarse Aggregate and Fine aggregate Content. The mix is non-cohesive (under sanded), we need to Increase sand proportion in increments of 3% and coarse aggregate proportion to be ...

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Aggregates Calculator | Calculate your aggregate volume

Aggregates, both fine and coarse, constitute about 60 -80% of the concrete formula. Mixed together with cement and water, the aggregate element helps make concrete more compact, provide strength, durability and workability. These properties make concrete one of the most widely used materials across the world. It is used to construct skyscrapers ...

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Fineness Modulus Method of Concrete Mix Design

The above formula will fix the proportion of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate. The percentage of the coarse aggregate is equal to 100 minus the percentage of fine aggregate. Table below gives the economical …

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M30 Grade of Concrete Mix Design, Procedure with OPC 53 …

The proportion of Coarse and fine aggregate will be the same. Hence Coarse aggregate content for MSA 20 mm: 60%. Sand content can be adopted, Max. : 40%; Course Aggregate Proportions ( 20 mm : 10 mm ) : 50%; Calculation for Materials Volume. Volume of concrete = 1 Cu.M. 1 Cum = 1000 ltr ( in volume) Volume calculation for …

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of natural sand and manufactured sand. Coarse aggregate will vary in size depending on the purpose for which the material is being produced. When good coarse aggregate is available, the best concrete is produced by using the greatest percentage of the largest size of aggregate per cubic yard of concrete, which is compatible with job requirements.

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M30 concrete mix design -Steps|IS-10262:2009 |IS-456:2000

Aggregate content: Volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate corresponding to 20 mm maximum size and zone I of fine aggregate = 0.60 ... Extra quantity of water to be added. Coarse aggregate: 4.99 kg: Fine aggregate: 8.20 kg: Mix Design: Cement: 438 kg / m 3: Water: 210 kg / m 3: Fine Aggregate: 812 kg / m 3: …

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How to Calculate Cement Sand and Aggregate in …

Learn the formula and steps to calculate the quantity of cement, sand, aggregate, and water for different grades of concrete. See examples for M15 grade concrete with 1:2:4 ratio and volume increase …

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Construction & Quality Control of Flexible Pavements

GRADING OF COARSE AGGREGATE FOR MASTIC ASPHALT 2.36 0-5 13.2 88-96 19.0 100 13 mm Per cent passing by weight Nominal Size of Coarse Aggregate IS Sieve (mm) Heavily 40-50 13 45 ±±±±10 Stressed Area, Junctions Road and 25-50 13 40 ±±±±10 carriageways Coarse Aggregate content % by mass of total mix Nominal size of …

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M25 concrete mix design -Steps|IS-10262:2009 |IS-456:2000

Aggregate content: Volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate for corresponding to 20 mm maximum size and zone I of fine aggregate = 0.60 ... Extra quantity of water to be added. Coarse aggregate: 5.55 kg: Fine aggregate: 7.09 kg: Mix Design: Cement: 438 kg / m 3: Water: 210 kg / m 3: Fine Aggregate: 702 kg / m 3:

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How To Calculate Quantities Of Cement, Sand, and Aggregate

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How to Calculate Cement, Sand and Coarse Aggregate Quantity in Concrete

Required Amount of Water = W/C Ratio X Cement Volume. Therefore, Water = 0.45 X 0.3636 m 3 = 0.16362 m 3. Unit Weight of Water = 1000 litres/m 3. Required Amount of Water = 0.16362 X 1000 = 163.62 litres. Therefore, we need 10.5 bags of cement, 0.5454 m 3 of sand, 1.09 m 3 of Coarse aggregates and 163.62 litres of water. Concrete …

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Use our aggregate calculator to work out how much material your next landscaping project will require. Calculate the total volume, weight and cost.

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How much cement sand & aggregate required for M20 concrete

Different grade of concrete like M25, M20, M15, M10, M7.5 & M5 are nominal mix grade of concrete in which M represent mix and numerical figure 25, 20, 15, 10, 7.5 & 5 are characteristics of compressive strength of concrete gain strength time period of 28 days after curing. Table 1:- different grade of concrete and their compressive strength in N/mm2.

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M20 Concrete Ratio (1:1.5:3) : Uses & Materials Required

M20 concrete ratio is 1:1.5:3.It indicates the cement:sand: aggregate ratio.It simply means that if 1 kg cement is used for making Concrete, you should use 1.5 kg sand and 3 kg aggregate. ( i.e. 1 part cement: 1.5 parts sand: 3 parts aggregate ). In M20 concrete, "M" stands for Mix ratio of cement:sand: aggregate & "20 "Stands for …

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Mix design M25 Grade designed as per IS 10262:2009 & IS …

Fine aggregate = 834 kg/m 3 Coarse aggregate 20mm = 891 kg/m 3 12mm = 223 kg/m 3 ... if the aggregates are dry the amount of mixing water should be increased by an amount equal to the moisture likely to be absorbed by the aggregates. Necessary adjustments are also required to be made In mass of aggregates. ... M 15 Mix Designs as per IS-10262 ...

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Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate Test – …

Sampling for Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate Test: As per IS 2386, the weight of the coarse aggregate sample should not be less than the specified weight given in the following table. ... the pan is fixed …

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Aggregates Calculator | Calculate your aggregate volume

Estimate the tonnage of aggregates you need for your project with this online tool. …

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Concrete Mix Design | Different Grades of Concrete

Mix Design (M) = Cement: Sand :Aggregate . As per BS 8500-2 British/European standards The grade of concrete is denoted as C10, C15, C20,C25, ... The following formula is used to find the quantity of coarse aggregate in 1m 3 of concrete. Volume of Aggregate

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Concrete Mix Design Calculation for M20, M25, …

Learn how to calculate the proportions of cement, sand and aggregates for M25 grade concrete with a step-by-step procedure and an example. Find out the target strength, water-cement ratio, coarse aggregate …

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[Solved] The volume (in m3) of coarse aggregate required …

iii) Concrete ratio = 1 : 2 : 4, which implies for 1 cubic meter of concrete contains 1 part cement, 2 part sand or fine aggregates and 4 parts aggregates or coarse aggregates. iv) Density of coarse aggregates varies from 1450 to 1550 kg/m 3. Calculation: Total wet volume of concrete = 100 m 3. Total dry volume of concrete …

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ACI Mix Design Example

Coarse Aggregate Content. Using the coarse aggregate content table with the given nominal maximum aggregate size of 37.5 mm (1.5 inches) and the given fine aggregate fineness modulus of 2.80, the recommended volume fraction of coarse aggregate is 0.71. This means that the coarse aggregate should occupy 71 percent of the total volume. …

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